Supporting Student Success Through Wellbeing, Pathways, and Academic Growth

Y Schools QLD: Kingston Campus
Wellbeing Pillar: Creating a Supportive Environment for Students
Key findings include:
- 86% of students built a meaningful connection with an educator or youth worker. Students who formed strong connections with educators performed 7% better in literacy and 10% better in career-related skills.
- The results also indicated that the longer students stay at school and the more frequently they attend, the better their wellbeing outcomes.

Pathways Pillar: Vocational Training and Employment
Key findings include:
- Employment rates increased from 16% in February to 24% in October, demonstrating the effectiveness of Y Schools’ career preparation initiatives.
- 71% of Year 12 students completed a vocational certificate, equipping them with skills to enter the workforce or further study.
- Students shared that hands-on training, such as barista courses, construction workshops, and hospitality programs, gave them the confidence and experience needed to secure employment.
Academic Pillar: Strengthening Learning Outcomes
Strong literacy and numeracy skills lay the foundation for all students' success at school, work, and in daily life. Academic progress is a key focus at Y Schools. We track student achievement in literacy and numeracy using PAT assessments.
Key findings include:
- More Year 12s were awarded a Queensland Certificate of Education than previous years.
- Maths scores remained stable, with improvements seen in some year levels.
- Reading scores decreased slightly across the year, highlighting the need for more targeted literacy support.
Looking Ahead: Priorities for 2025
Y Schools Queensland has established a new Inclusion team, demonstrating our commitment to fostering a more inclusive school environment. This initiative ensures that all students, regardless of their learning challenges, can engage and fully participate in learning alongside their peers of the same age, benefiting from reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to their individual needs.
Y Schools Queensland prioritises student engagement, acknowledging that attendance is a shared responsibility among the school, parents/carers, students, and the wider community. The School Leadership Team is committed to improving attendance across all our sites in 2025.
The report illustrated that while there has been progress in some areas, such as increased employment rates and QCE attainments, other areas still require greater attention in 2025. By taking a holistic approach to education, we are making a meaningful difference in the lives of young people across Queensland.
To learn more about Y Schools Queensland and our impact, click here.